You don't have to pay any fees to cash your checks. You don't have to leave your house in bad weather or worry if you're on vacation or away from home. Your money goes directly into your account. Convenient – With Direct Deposit, you no longer have to stand in line to cash your check when it arrives.
And you'll have more time to do the things you enjoy! Your benefit will go automatically into your account every month. You can sign up online at Go Direct®, by calling 1-80, in person at your bank, savings and loan or credit union, or calling Social Security. Quick – It's easy to receive your benefit by Direct Deposit.Safe – Since your money goes directly into the bank in the form of an electronic transfer, there's no risk of a check being lost or stolen.Onto a Direct Express® Debit Mastercard®ĭirect Deposit is the best electronic payment option for you because it is:.Into an existing bank account via Direct Deposit or.There are two ways you can receive your benefits: Federal law mandates that all Federal benefit payments – including Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits – must be made electronically.